Installation Guide Standard

  1. Emerginov Enterprise installation guide
    1. Requirements
    2. How-To Install
    3. Install Gardien
      1. Prepare your machine
      2. Install the emerginov-master package
      3. Grab emerginov source code
      4. Initialise configuration files
      5. Start the installation using puppet
    4. Install Routing
      1. Prepare your machine
      2. Start the installation using puppet
    5. Install Dev(s)
      1. Prepare your machine
      2. Start the installation using puppet
    6. Install Content
      1. Prepare your machine
      2. Start the installation using puppet
    7. Finishing the installation
      1. Gateway
      2. Testing

Emerginov Enterprise installation guide


Please, before proceeding, be sure to have all requirements.
You also need a configured Domain Name.
And the most important thing is to have a well configured Firewall.

How-To Install

At least 4 virtual machines have to be installed in this order:

  1. gardien: it is the configuration repository server (a.k.a. Puppet Master), and the internal DNS
  2. routing: it is the public node, hiding the other servers
  3. content: this node hosts the emerginov web pages, subversion repository and web services
  4. dev(s): those nodes hosts the projects (apache and asterisk)

Depending on the scenario you choose for the gateway, you may also have a gateway virtual machine as well.

Install Gardien

Prepare your machine

First, be root:

sudo -s

Update your machine

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

Eventually, reboot:


Add the emerginov launchpad repo:

apt-get install python-software-properties
add-apt-repository ppa:emerginovteam/emerginov
apt-get update

Install the emerginov-master package

The emerginov-master package contains some custom scripts to help you start with emerginov:

apt-get install emerginov-master

Grab emerginov source code

Grab emerginov source code from subversion repo with the emerginov-update command:


You'll be ask to continue because of No Emerginov files found, checkout needed.
Answer Yes by pressing y followed by enter

Initialise configuration files

The emerginov-init command will initialise the configuration files to reflect your installation of emerginov:


Answer all the questions. If you need help to answer the questions, you can Contact us. 

Once done, the configuration files are stored in /etc/emerginov/.
These files are puppet files. Indeed, we use puppet to configure the whole emerginov platform.

Please, check at least that the emerginov.pp file is well configured before going further:

vim /etc/emerginov/emerginov.pp

Start the installation using puppet

To ease the installation of emerginov, we wrote some script to use puppet with finger in the nose. These scripts are inside the emerginov-agent package:

apt-get install emerginov-agent

The main script is called emerginov-apply. At first, it will try to connect to the puppet master you installed in previous section and then apply the whole configuration:

puppet cert sign gardien.emerginov.localnet

At this step, the console will throw a lot of information. At long as it's green or blue, it means that puppet is working fine.
When it becomes purple or yellow, it means that something went wrong. Please run emerginov-apply again:


Depending on your installation, it may happen that you still see some purple errors.
Before worrying a lot, please run emerginov-apply few times more to see if the error is still there.
If you still have some purple, do not hesitate to Contact us. 

At the end, you must have run emerginov-apply at least 3 times.

Install Routing

Before going further, be sure that the Gardien is well installed (no purple or yellow errors).

Prepare your machine

First, be root:

sudo -s

Update your machine

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

Eventually, reboot:


Add the emerginov launchpad repo:

apt-get install python-software-properties
add-apt-repository ppa:emerginovteam/emerginov
apt-get update

Start the installation using puppet

In the same way you did for Gardien, install the emerginov-agent package:

apt-get install emerginov-agent

Run a first emerginov-apply to connect to the puppet master (which is on Gardien):


On Gardien machine, run the following commands to let puppet master accept the Routing machine:

# Run on Gardien
puppet cert sign routing.emerginov.localnet --create

Back on Routing machine, run again emerginov-apply twice:


# ...
# Wait for completion..
# ...


At the end, you must have run emerginov-apply at least 3 times.

Install Dev(s)

Before going further, be sure that the Gardien and Routing are well installed (no purple or yellow errors).

Prepare your machine

First, be root:

sudo -s

Update your machine

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

Eventually, reboot:


Add the emerginov launchpad repo:

apt-get install python-software-properties
add-apt-repository ppa:emerginovteam/emerginov
apt-get update

Start the installation using puppet

In the same way you did for Routing, install the emerginov-agent package:

apt-get install emerginov-agent

Run a first emerginov-apply to connect to the puppet master (which is on Gardien):


On Gardien machine, run the following commands to let puppet master accept the Dev machine:

# Run on Gardien
puppet cert sign dev.emerginov.localnet --create

Back on Dev machine, run again emerginov-apply twice:


# ...
# Wait for completion..
# ...


At the end, you must have run emerginov-apply at least 3 times.

Install Content

Before going further, be sure that the Gardien, Routing and Dev are well installed (no purple or yellow errors).

Prepare your machine

First, be root:

sudo -s

Update your machine

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

Eventually, reboot:


Add the emerginov launchpad repo:

apt-get install python-software-properties
add-apt-repository ppa:emerginovteam/emerginov
apt-get update

Start the installation using puppet

In the same way you did for Dev, install the emerginov-agent package:

apt-get install emerginov-agent

Run a first emerginov-apply to connect to the puppet master (which is on Gardien):


On Gardien machine, run the following commands to let puppet master accept the Content machine:

# Run on Gardien
puppet cert sign content.emerginov.localnet --create

Back on Content machine, run again emerginov-apply twice:


# ...
# Wait for completion..
# ...


At the end, you must have run emerginov-apply at least 3 times.

Finishing the installation


You will need a gateway to add to your new emerginov platform some telecom connectors.
To do so, follow this guide: Gateway installation


To check that everything is working fine, please follow the Post Installation Testing Suite.