How do I fork an existing project
It shall be possible to develop a function to be as simple as the fork me on github
Until a volunteer did it, the procedure to for can be described as follow:
Let's assume you want to fork A towards B
- create a B project using the traditional way through your self-care page
- get the (empty) code of project B on your machine: svn co https://svn.<your_emerginov>/projects/B B
- export project A code to your machine: svn export https://svn.<your_emerginov>/projects/A /tmp
- remove the passwords.php from the exported project A directory rm /tmp/A/trunk/web/passwords.php
- retrieve MySQL base => connection with project A creds on phpmyadmin => export SQL => save SQL export in A.sql
- connect on Project B base with phpmyadmin => import A.sql
- mv A files to B directory mv -Rf /tmp/A/trunk/web/* B/trunk/web/
- add B files to svn repository svn svn add *
- commit new B files svn ci -m "fork project A"
- deploy project B from the self-care