Installation Guide Standalone
Emerginov Compact installation guide
Please, before proceeding, be sure to have all requirements.
You also need a configured Domain Name.
And the most important thing is to have a well configured Firewall.
How-To Install
Video tutorial
See video tutorial on the installation of a Compact version
Ubuntu Desktop
if you are using Ubuntu LTS Desktop (it is not the best choice, prefer the Server version please), start by this
Prepare your machine
First, be root:
Update your machine
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade
Eventually, reboot:
Add the emerginov launchpad repo:
add-apt-repository ppa:emerginovteam/emerginov
apt-get update
Install the emerginov-master package
The emerginov-master package contains some custom scripts to help you start with emerginov:
Grab emerginov source code
Grab emerginov source code from subversion repo with the emerginov-update command:
You'll be ask to continue because of No Emerginov files found, checkout needed.
Answer Yes by pressing y followed by enter
Initialise configuration files
The emerginov-init command will initialise the configuration files to reflect your installation of emerginov:
Answer all the questions. If you need help to answer the questions, you can Contact us.
Once done, the configuration files are stored in /etc/emerginov/.
These files are puppet files. Indeed, we use puppet to configure the whole emerginov platform.
Please, check at least that the emerginov.pp file is well configured before going further:
Start the installation using puppet
To ease the installation of emerginov, we wrote some script to use puppet with finger in the nose. These scripts are inside the emerginov-agent package:
The main script is called emerginov-apply. At first, it will try to connect to the puppet master you installed in previous section and then apply the whole configuration:
puppet cert sign compact.emerginov.localnet
At this step, the console will throw a lot of information. At long as it's green or blue, it means that puppet is working fine.
When it becomes purple or yellow, it means that something went wrong. Please run emerginov-apply again:
Depending on your installation, it may happen that you still see some purple errors.
Before worrying a lot, please run emerginov-apply few times more to see if the error is still there.
If you still have some purple, do not hesitate to Contact us.
At the end, you must have run emerginov-apply at least 3 times.
Finishing the installation
Tweaking Gateway parts
In Compact installation, the type of gateway to use is:
- SIP Trunk for vocal calls
- USB Modem for SMS
If you do not have an USB Modem, you won't be able to send and receive SMS.
If you do not have a SIP Trunk, you won't be able to send and receive calls.
If your compact machine is a Virtual Machine, you may have some issue to plug the USB Modem...
If you are using proxmox as Virtual Machine server, we know that some installation work with USB passthrough:
SIP Trunk configuration
The configuration of SIP Trunk on a compact machine is done in the asterisk_as puppet module.
The main file is sip.conf.erb, open it:
Take a look at the end of the file:
; Here are some registration sample to use when Asterisk is also used as
; a GW to go through an external SIP account provider (aka sip trunk)
; Asterisk can register as a SIP user agent to a SIP proxy (provider)
; Format for the register statement is:
; register => [peer?][transport://]user[@domain][:secret[:authuser]]@host[:port][/extension][~expiry]
;register => sip-outside?USER:PASSWORD@IP_OF_YOUR_SIPTRUNK_PROVIDER/332xxxxxxxx
You will need to uncomment the line starting from register and replace the values to the correct values from your SIP Trunk provider.
; Here are some registration sample to use when Asterisk is also used as
; a GW to go through an external SIP account provider (aka sip trunk)
; Asterisk can register as a SIP user agent to a SIP proxy (provider)
; Format for the register statement is:
; register => [peer?][transport://]user[@domain][:secret[:authuser]]@host[:port][/extension][~expiry]
register => sip-outside?USER:PASSWORD@IP_OF_YOUR_SIPTRUNK_PROVIDER/332xxxxxxxx
USB Modem
The USB Modem is handled by Kannel. We already performed most of the configuration to work with a Huawei E220 and some other modems or phones.
You'll find the kannel configuration file in the kannel puppet module.
The main file to edit is kannel.conf.erb:
You might need to edit at least the section:
And maybe:
To check that everything is working fine, please follow the Post Installation Testing Suite.