2N Office Route gateway


The 2N office route gateway is a basic gateway. The 2N company describes it as a mobile office, see 2N web site.

This gateway is limited. It allows multi SIMs but it will not be possible to manage more than 3 simultaneous calls. Moreover you can configure your 3 SIMs to route to one service but you will not be able to manage 3 simultaneous calls on the same number.

This gateway can be useful for testing on the field with real devices.

In this section we will detail the configuration to make it work with the Emerginov platform. We assume that the SIMs have been inserted and the Ip configuration is done according to the installation guide.

Configuration of Emerginov

3 actions are required: routing configuration for outgoing calls, declaration of a SIP client and service mapping for incoming calls.

VoIP Client

Declare a VoIP client corresponding to office route in the Emerginov system.

You can do it easily via the Emerginov admin menu.

You just have to create a new user > Users (e.g. login:herisson, password: <your officeroute password>,mail:officeroute@foo.com)

It shall match with the officeroute SIP internal line, see below.

Dynamic routing configuration

For IP2PSTN calls, the officeroute must be declared as a gateway via the opensips-CP interface (VoIP menu of the administration interface).

Log to the VoIp admin menu, then select System > Dynamic routing

Then click on "Add New"


Give an ID, Select type 2 (PSTN), provide the IP @ of your gateway (office route). Indicate the port (must be the same than the SIP client declared in office route (here 6060), see below).

Click on Add then on Apply Change To Server

You must declare at least one rule for the dynamic routing.

The declaration of the gateway indicates that for call to numbers than cannot be resolved within the VoIP domain, the system will route the SIP traffic to the gateway. You must precise if you accept all the traffic or only a restricted part. This action is realized through the creation of rule.

On the same menu > System > Dynamic routing click on Rules on top of the screen.

Then click on Add new, a windows will pop up


You shall indicate the different parameters:

  • Group ID: 0 - regular
  • prefix: the prefix for the traffic you want to manage with this rule, here we indicate that we do consider only number starting with 332. This prefix depends on what you want to authorize as destinations (fixed, mobile, local, international..)
  • In the Gateway list you shall see at least the gateway you declared above, Click on Add. Add a description then click on Add then Apply Change To Server.

If you come back to the menu Gateways (on top of the windows), you shall see a green point in status corresponding to the gateway. it means that the gateways is defined with at least one routing rule.



For incoming call, you must indicate to opensips how to translate a number into a service. it can be done through the VoIP admin menu > System > Dialplan

Then click on Add new Rule


You must indicate

  • The dialplan ID (100 by default)
  • Rule priority 1
  • matching operator: Equal
  • Matching Regular Expression: it shall match with officeroute configuration (see below), here SIM3
  • matching String length corresponds to the length of SIM3 i.e; 4
  • Replacement Expression: name of the Service you want to connect to the SIM3
  • check Authentication required, route to media server and Original destination

Then click on Add and Apply Changes to Server

Configuration of the officeroute

Several operations are required on the officeroute

  • declaration of a SIP line
  • Creation of mapping and normalization rules

Declaration of a SIP line

Log on the admin GUI of officeroute then select the menu > Devices > SIP lines


Edit the first line corrsponding to Internal SIP line by clicking on the pen.

A new menu shall be displayed:


You must indicate

the SIP server address: the Public IP of your Emerginov platform

the SIP domain: the one you precised during the installation

SIP name, display name , user name: we set herisson everywhere. It shall correspond to the user you created in opensips see above

Save the configuration

In the menu > devices > SIM cards, you must see all the SIMs you inserted into the office route. Through this menu you may rename the SIM card number in order to reference the phone number instead of the SIM number which is not easy to manage.

Association SIM / SIP line

PSTN2IP calls

it can be done in the menu > GSM routing > Operator

In this menu you will have to associate a Service name (e.g. service_SIM1 with a VoIP line (e.g. SIP Internal SIP line) and give a name for this operator number (e.g. SIM1)

This name SIM1, SIM2,...will be reused in Emerginov for the association between an incoming call (SIM1) and the associated service (Service_X)


IP2PSTN calls

For IP2PSTN call, via the LCR menu we created also a rule called ip2pstn that will forward any IP calls from the office route SIP internal line to one of the declared SIM card.


Then via the LCR menu we associated this rule for any prefix.


At the end any call from the SIP internal line is redirected to one of the SIM.

Normalization and Number formatting

You must be sure that Emerginov, the gateway and the PSTN/PLMN network are coherent regarding the numbering.

if we consider the call we shall be clear on the format of the numbering end to end.


The LCR Normalization menu can be used for any outgoing call.

In the following example, for PSTN2IP calls, we create a rule that transform numbers starting with 33 (French country code) to numbers starting with +33 (+ is used to detect international format within Emerginov.
